Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hooray for Morally Justified Bigotry!

Legend Condemns Gay Marriage

She was good at tennis, so we're listening to her views on an unrelated topic.

I have a beef with people who believe that we should maintain the "traditional definition" of marriage.

My beef is not with their belief, it's with what they think that belief is based on. When you say "traditional marriage", what does that mean exactly?

Does it mean that the woman becomes the man's property?
Does it mean that the woman's family has to pay a dowry to help offset the cost of the man having to maintain her?
Does it mean that, should the marriage fail to produce children it is null and void?

Let's go back even further - as I understand it, the Old Testament definition of marriage is that it's a sacred relationship between a man and each of his many wives.

How fucking traditional do you want to get? Because if your traditional view of marriage only stretches back about a hundred years or so, then you should come clean and just fucking say that - instead of suggesting that the present form of heterosexual marriage has been somehow preserved, unchanged, from the moment that God produced 2 genetically related humans circa 6000 years ago.

For the love of God, does Court have any idea how she sounds?

Quoth the Tennis Player-cum-Reverand:
"The fact that the homosexual cry is, 'We can't help it as we were born this way', as the cause behind their own personal choice is cause for concern," she said. "Every action begins with a thought. There is a choice to be made."

Really? You guys are still beating the "it's a choice", drum? Tell me, heterosexual people, could you ever conceive of being sexually attracted to people of the same sex? No?
Then there's a fundamental difference between you and someone who does. This isn't a case of, "it's wrong, therefore it's tempting" - this is just not tempting to people who aren't gay, which possibly suggests that the element of choice doesn't really come into it.

Unless you pull a Catholic Church and say that, yes, they are born that way, God made them that way, but they can't ever have sex. In which case, fuck you too. That's still ridiculous.

We really need to move on from this as a people.

A friend of mine also recommended I read this:
Traditional Marriage Perverts the Tradition of Marriage was good back then, and it's still good now.